Prepare To Act

Training Courses

Protect your People and Property

Chief Fire Warden Emergency Response Training

Course Code ID: CW8

This course is appropriate for commercial and manufacturing organizations, employees designated to perform the role of the Chief Warden, Deputy Chief Warden, or Communication Officer in the workplace. Being prepared and trained in an emergency evacuation incident prior to the arrival of the Emergency Services is critical.


Fire Warden Emergency Response Training

Course Code ID: AW3

Fire Warden training is appropriate for employees at commercial and manufacturing organizations designated to perform the role of Area or Fire Warden. They prepare and guide persons to a Safe Shelter, report to the Chief Warden, and understand an Emergency Response Management Plan in the workplace. 


Residential Aged Care Emergency Coordinators Response

Course Code ID: RAC C3

This course is appropriate for employees who are required to perform the role of Emergency Response Coordinators consisting of Chief Warden and Floor Wardens in a Residential Aged Care Facility.

In the event of an emergency incident, it is paramount that Emergency Coordinators are trained to safely “lead”, coordinate an evacuation incident confidently, responsibly to assume control and direct other staff members to assist effectively and safely.


Health Care Emergency Coordinators Response Training

Course Code ID: HC C2

This course is appropriate for employees who are required to perform the roles of Emergency Response Coordinators consisting of Chief Warden, Floor Wardens, Security, Engineering Personnel and Staff Members in Health Care Facilities
In the event of an emergency incident, it is paramount that Emergency Coordinators are trained to safely “lead” and coordinate an emergency evacuation incident confidently and administer the Emergency Colour Code Response Procedures.


First Fire Attack Fire Extinguishers and Blanket Training

Course Code ID: FFA C2

This training course is designed to train staff in your Safety Operation Procedures (SOP).

First Fire Attack Training is designed to raise awareness of fire hazards in the workplace and includes how to act safely in the event of an emergency fire incident, methods of identification and operation of fire extinguishers and fire blanket under a controlled training environment.


External Practical Training

Internal Practical Training

Hazardous Materials Spill Kit Response Training

Course Code ID: SKR C8

This training course is designed to train staff in your Safety Operation Procedures (SOP).

The spill kit and spill response training courses develop participants’ skills and understanding of both the theory and practice of spill prevention, containment and clean-up.

Training is delivered by experienced instructors with hands on real-life emergency response experience with an emphasis on environmental impact prevention through proper spill containment, correct cleanup and disposal practices.


Hot Work Firewatch Awareness

 Course is not presently offered online or via virtual training

Firewatch is a person assigned and trained to observe ongoing hot work to identify and react to hazards. It is necessary at any time where hot work is performed in locations where a fire greater than a minor one may develop. Having fire extinguishing equipment readily available during and post-Hot Work activities will ensure SOP’s are adhered to.


For further information about our services and training, feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone: 1300 782 082